Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Good Deed - Selfish / Selfless

Keep up the good work....and dont turn back...:)


Have you ever felt that something is troubling you and you dunno what it is?

I was in a state for a few days, when I realized “Its life” we dunno and that is what actually bothers us.. We presume something and it’s something else in actual…

In which case, “is it worth getting worried?” one may ask…… I don’t know

Do good & Go to heaven...else (Amazing how they scare us...)

I’ve heard people say - Do good and you’ll be rewarded … but does it happen? Who would’ve brought this thought and what would’ve been his intention might be a question to ask oneself, at least that’s what I think.

So if I do a good deed today does it mean that I’ll be treated good?– If a Lizard spares the life of a fly thinking in the above quoted terms will the Cat feel the same way and not harm its meal (Lizard)? Well I don’t think that’s ever possible.

People will always (“ALWAYS”) take advantage of the good people and I guess that’s why they promote goodness as well.

Do Good and forget..
So does this mean we shouldn’t do good? Nope… I never meant that… All I’m saying is that never expect something good in return for the good you’ve done… that act won’t be considered as Helping…it’ll be considered as being selfish (you be good to me, as I’ve been good to others)

I feel that, the minute u feel that you’re doing a good deed, that’s when the expectation grows. So just do a good deed and forget... why grow on expectation...

A good friend of mine, told me that Happiness is measured in terms of a formula [Happiness = (Fulfilled Desires) FD / (Total Desires) TD]. So if you want to be happy then either fulfill all your desires, or reduce the number of desires, the latter sounds easier doesn’t it? At least It does to me.

“Well so doing good deeds is good but expecting good in return is bad.”

 We humans love analyzing, calculating everything and that’s why it doesn’t add up when someone says don’t expect good in return; because 1 – 1 = 0 (where +1 = doing good and -1 = expecting it in return). We love getting it to “0” (and why shouldn’t we? We invented it din we? J).

From Your Heart....