Thursday 29 August 2019

Life... Uncomplicating it...

Complicated path??
Picture from -
Life is complicated.….
Is the above statement true? 

We make it complicated…. Or is this true? 

Well I have complicated my life uncomplicated it….again complicated and uncomplicated it…. So I know for sure…. That we human, we people, we homo-sapiens complicate life.

How do we complicate life? Isn't it very simple? 

Life is actually very very simple… but if everything becomes too simple then people cant make money, people wont get power, people wont be able to show how they are better. Hence they try to complicate it for their pleasure and benefit and we fall into it blindly maybe because of ancestors belief or maybe because of peer pressure. 
  • May it be education where we learn to adapt to a complicated lifestyle.
  • May it be religion where we believe that our god is the best and our methods are the right path.
  • May it be our tradition which we follow whose actual reason is unknown and hence blindly followed as a strict rule.
Every single step has complications….with so many chains how do you free yourself? 

With all these restrictions how do you dream free? Even your dreams are restricted now a days… 

Can you tell the difference between dreams when you dreamt as kids and your dreams now? You will find your answers as to whether you are succumbed to the complications or not…

Who knows the right method to live life? Sages? priests? Kings?…am sure no one does….no one is back from the dead….and even if reincarnated they don't remember anything about the time when there were dead and if anyone told them the secret of living life…. 

So how then do we live? How then do we uncomplicate ourselves? 

Well I follow a method, a couple of them actually: 

1. Follow your heart no matter what (with the exception if its in a hurt state, then just give it time…it heals very soon….just a little time).

2. Never ever kill the child in you….each and every thing around you wants you to kill the child and become an adult….but what is an 'adult'….just another word for complication…so never let the child die….its the only thing that's innocent, dreams from the heart, and eager to keep moving ahead… 

3. Make a Happiness recipe:- take lots of passion mix it with your dreams nicely until they become a dough, add a pinch of plan and leave it for sometime. Then roll out one portion and try to execute… if failed then take another portion and try….do this until atleast one becomes good enough to be fried and eaten…
Trust me when I say this: the meal that you eat from the above successful recipe will be the best meal of your life and once tasted you will become addicted to taste more and more of it.. 

So there you go…. Hope this helps…just thought of sharing whats in my mind….

Thank you for reading…